Tuesday, August 18, 2015

AISTL Resources

With classroom observations and "walk throughs" now  firmly established in our own Professional Learning Practice, you might like to check out AITSL's newly released resource called Classroom Strategies Resource. It provides "how to" instructional guides and accompanying videos for a range of observation strategies including peer observation,walk throughs, instructional rounds, videos of practice and instructional coaching.
Click the image above to explore the site.

Science Week


This week, our Science Department has being doing a great job promoting science during National Science Week. There have been lots of quizzes and fun  lunchtime  activities for our students. To help celebrate this week, ABC Splash has created an excellent collection of science resources that teachers can use, all 1000 aligned to the Australian Curriculum. There are also resources for students, offering great ideas for students to think about science around the home. Click on the image above to access.

Changing a Mindset in Finland


This week I have been reading about Finland's decision to overhaul its education system. I'm sure you  are already familiar with Finland's success when it comes to literacy and numeracy in  international league tables.It is therefore interesting to read about their commitment to completely overhauling their current curriculum.  They want to move away from an "exam factory " model to an education that promotes problem solving, creativity, resilience and communication skills. Although they will continue to teach core subjects, schools will be required to offer at least one multi disciplinary unit at each year level.70% of their teachers have now been trained in adopting this new approach and teachers are being offered financial incentives to embrace the change. Sounds very much like how we taught in the 70's!
The Conversation

Promoting Thinking in the Classroom.

 With our shift to a student centred approach to pedagogy, this article from Teachthought is well worth reading for some inspiration on how to promote thinking  and collaborative learning in the classroom. It offers 20 ways a classroom can be physically set up and most setups  on offer do not involve having a heap of money thrown at them, except for the "google station" pictured above. To access the article, click on the image above.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Year Nine 2015 Book Trailers

Once again the ISC and Year 9 have collaborated in delivering the popular Book Trailer unit. The project was started last term and it was a great opportunity to showcase “the best of” this week when we held our 4th Gippsland Grammar Book Trailer Award presentation in the Lecture Theatre. The event was hosted by Tyler Smith, our Year 9 cohort's English teacher and all present thoroughly enjoyed watching the sixteen shortlisted book trailers.  Deputy Head of Garnsey, Kate Arnup, had the daunting task of judging. Kate is currently on Long Service Leave and we are grateful that she generously gave up her time to do this. Penny Monger (Acting Head of Garnsey Campus and Head of English) announced that the winner of the competition was Alice Jones with "Attachment”. Alice goes into the "hall of fame" and received a $50 book voucher. Receiving the $25 book vouchers for being highly commended were Alex Chan with "We"and  Zyn Ang with "Sold". The crowd favourite was Tom Jackson’s scary “Troll Hunters.”
To access the 2015 finalists’ book trailers click on this link

Developing a Growth Mindset

There is no doubt that " developing a growth mindset in schools" is a worldwide phenomenon. Last week's  article from Edutopia clearly states the need for teachers to model a growth mindset to their students. It also discusses how teacher appraisal approaches need to be formative rather than summative.

Student Feedback


With feedback being one of the most powerful influences on learning, it is important that teachers as well as students receive timely feedback. Although Vicki Davis's article  is written for a U.S.A audience, it is  worth reading as it offers tips on how to garner student feedback to help improve your own teaching.