Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Twitter For Teachers

If you are just starting to use Twitter as part of your professional learning network but are finding it somewhat confusing, here is an excellent  free guide from rossieronline called Twitter For Teachers.It will help clarify terms and put you in the right direction.



  1. I've been using Twitter regularly, as both a way to keep Year 12 Politics students informed about world events and as a way to engage in professional reading myself. Although there has been some success in the classroom, it has been invaluable for keeping up with what is going on in the education sector. I feel much more informed and able to engage in discussion with colleagues as a result. A great resource.

  2. I agree Jan.You feel like you have your "finger on the pulse" when you can daily follow world renowned educators' thoughts about education

  3. This is great site which answers the 'how to' and 'why' questions well. When I was at the Harvard Course, it was an expectation that we were on Twitter and could access twitter feeds by particular educators. We were even asked to do a learning task in our Learning Groups that involved accessing and reading an academic's tweets and then doing a group-based synthesis task and tweeting a response to the group's facilitators that everyone could then read on-screen. It was an instructive moment.
