Wednesday, September 15, 2010

eSmart Schools for Victoria

It was great to hear the Victorian Govenment's announcement yesterday that all schools in Victoria will be able to gain access to funding and support to become an eSmart school.The program has been developed by the Allanah and Madeleine Foundation and already trialled by a number of primary and secondary schools.It will now be rolled out to all schools which is good news for us in our own quest to teach our students to keep safe online and be responsible users of technology.I did hear that schools would receive $2000 to help them deliver the program.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

In Full Bloom

In the Term 1 "In the Know" newsletter I wrote about the digital version of the Bloom's Revised Taxonomy.It incorporates Web2.0 technologies that enrich the classroom as well as including the traditional classroom practices. Go to the Edorigami wiki which has detailed information about each level. Mike Fisher's wiki is also dedicated to the Digital Bloom's Taxonomy but is very much a work in progress.His original chart that identifies the tools that enhance learning is on the left but has evolved to the chart on the top right which allows tools to live on more than one realm of the hierarchy. The arrows indicate the fluidity of which the tools can move through the different levels.They are handy charts to refer to when discussing learning tools for the 21st century teacher.