Thursday, October 30, 2014

ISC Virtual Library
The ISC is very pleased to announce that our school learning community can now access our custom made online resources directly from our school portal. The link on the left hand side of the portal home page is called  ISC Virtual Library. With just one click,students will now be able  to access our wide range of online resources that include subject guides,online reference databases, books and reading, research help and  digital citizenship resources. The ISC Virtual Library will always be a work in progress and we encourage all teachers to collaborate with us to ensure  that we provide high quality online resources that support  the curriculum. If there are ever any resources you would like us to include, please do  not hesitate to email us with the details.

Feedback As Formative Assessment

This week Edutopia has had an excellent article  called Make It Count:Providing Feedback as Formative Assessment. John Hattie's  mantra "feedback must be timely,relevant, and action oriented"  is highlighted and the article goes on to explore how other experts describe feedback as a formative assessment tool. Emily Wray's RISE Feedback Model is interesting as it encourages teachers to give feedback that is not only informative but moves students towards improvement.

 This article also explores a variety of technology tools that enable "timely, relevant and action oriented" feedback.

How To Best Give Feedback To Students

Following from the above post, it is well worth watching  the short video above  about Carol Dweck's research on how to give students the best type of feedback. Her research involved a series of experiments that studied the effects of praise.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

ClickView TV

ClickView has a new feature called ClickView TV. It curates educationally valuable TV programs  
that are accessible to both teachers and students using our school’s Screen rights licence. It will be a valuable teaching tool with collections  based on current topics and subject areas.

This service is currently in BETA but soon, as a ClickView customer, you will be able to access ClickView TV directly through ClickView Online.

Click on the ClickView TV  image above to have a look around, sign-up for a free account and begin to watch these great educational television programs. Also encourage your students to use this great resource.

Celebrating the Life and Times of Gough Whitlam

To give you an example of a ClickView TV collection, just this week, ClickView TV has made available  to teachers some great documentaries about the life and times of Gough Whitlam.

Click on the image above to access.

Scootle also has a range of videos,images and resources of Gough Whitlam that have been gathered into a collection. Go to Scootle Lounge


Cybersmart has recently released #GameOn.It is a cybersafety video series that follows the online experiences of a group of lower secondary students. Over five short episodes, the students find themselves in situations that catch them off-guard and teach them the consequences of making poor decisions online.
Topics include:
  • Cyberbullying
  • Excessive gaming
  • Sharing passwords
  • Free downloads
  • Online friends
#GameOn is a valuable resource for teaching students in Years 5, 6, 7 and 8 about the responsible use of technology. The study guides have been designed to build a range of skills and knowledge that will encourage positive online behaviour.

The  linked infographic above displays best search practice in order to get exactly what you are looking for when using Google.You might like to share this with students as many seem to fully rely on Google Search – learning how to search effectively would be very beneficial. I have also placed this on the "Research" section on the ISC Libguides.

Great Teachers Are Great Learners

Great Teachers Are Great Learners - AITSL from Innovation Unit on Vimeo.
Well worth a look at is this animation that was produced by AITSL, aiming to encourage teachers and school leaders to develop a framework for teachers' professional learning.