Monday, March 14, 2011

iPads for Learning

Last month I mentioned that the 2011 Horizon Report predicted that mobile technology will have a big impact on learning over the next 12 months. Although there is resistance to the use of mobiles in the classroom it is not surprising that there are "ipad trials" springing up in Australian schools

Here are some sites and reports to look at.

iPads for Learning: Victorian government:
This website is for educators who want to learn about using iPads in education. Here you will find information about the Victorian school iPads for Learning trial including specially selected apps,classroom ideas and technical tips. The 10 participating schools include primary, secondary, Prep to Year 12 and specialist settings.

St Peter's College Adelaide
In the Senior School, 338 Years 11 and 12 boys have been provided with wireless iPads to support an eBook program. Licences have been obtained to supply all students with e-textbooks via personalised secure access. A user friendly interface, Keystone, has been developed. Users have the ability to download and purchase eBooks, upload and share their work and ideas.

Other schools trials:

Queensland state schools: Throughout Semester 1, Kedron State High School and Doomadgee State School will explore the teaching, learning and business potential.

•At least five independent Sydney schools will trial iPads in select classes this year.

Also check out the action research study from the Crowther Centre in Melbourne and the questions under each of the three strands: pedagogy,learning and useability. Brighton Grammar,Swinburne and Apptitude are working together on the big question:

"Does the use of gesture-based mobile devices such as the iPad have the potential to change the way students will interact with, perceive and manipulate digital content and will the changes in learning style facilitate improved outcomes in literacy and numeracy?"

I look forward to the findings of these trials and studies.


  1. we are studying your blog for IT applicatons in class and it is very well set-out.
