Sunday, April 3, 2011

Online VCE Support

Over the last few weeks I have come across two online learning tools created to support VCE students outside of their own classroom. The first is Merspi, a free Web2.0 Question and Answer social networking site for the VCE community.Using Merspi, a student can interact with a VCE community beyond their school - posing their own questions,using existing answers as a resource for their own study and answering questions of others.Tagging of questions enables users to locate all previous questions and answers about an area of study. Responses are also moderated and registered members can become moderators according to the reputation they have built through the level and quality of their responses.There are many teachers who have become contributing members of the Merspi community.Futurist Mark Pesce said this about it
I visited Merspi intending to have a quick look and I stayed for an hour. Merspi has the hallmarks of a true socially-networked community-encouraging the sharing instinct and rewarding valued responses
The second support tool is for VCE biology students.Northern Victorian teacher Andrew Douch has created a series of podcasts for various topics.They can be downloaded/subscribed to free through iTunes or go to

1 comment:

  1. Andrew Douchy was the keynote speaker at the recent State JAPANESE teacher's conference. He is a passionate teacher and a wonderful presenter. Why was a biology teacher at the Japanese conference? To talk about the many benefits of podcasting! We are creating Japanese podcasts for students in Year 7, 2/3 St. Anne's and 3/4 Bairnsdale, hoping to extend their skills and develop new learning habits.
